Thursday, September 1, 2011

What's In Season? Sweet Corn

Guys, I had a brilliant idea for an interactive post series! I am a big proponent of eating seasonally, and it helps that I frequent the farmer's market at least twice a month, but I know for a fact that there are a large constituency of mid-westerners that have no idea what is in season and what is not for our region (save for corn; it's wildly apparent when corn is in season here).

I want to help clear up the confusion a little by doing a monthly post about what produce is in season or will be in season in the coming month.


here's the catch; I want this to be a collective effort that focuses on one fruit or vegetable where we can share ideas, pictures and thoughts on how to enjoy it. I'm talking recipes, tips, name it. Here's what you can do to be a part of the discussion:

  1. in the comments section, tell me and other PL&B readers what you like to do with said fruit or veggie
  2. post a picture on the Peace, Love & Bagels facebook page of a dish you used that ingredient in
  3. mention @peaclovebagels in a tweet about how you use the ingredient
  4. add a picture or discussion topic to the What's In Season? Flickr group
  5. leave a recipe in any of the above forums
So, being the first day of September, let's get to it. What's in season this month? Sweet Corn.

My contribution to our discussion around corn is going to be a handy little tip: how to remove the kernels from an ear of corn without making a mess.

what you'll need...
  • a big mixing bowl
  • a small mixing bowl
  • a knife
  • corn (obvi)
  1. place the small mixing bowl upside-down inside the large mixing bowl (in lieu of mixing bowls, you can use a bundt pan)
  2. place one end of your (shucked) ear of corn down on top of the smaller bowl
  3. using a downward motion, cut the kernels off of the ear of corn. like so:

Your turn to sound off! I want to hear all about your corn endeavors (don't worry if you're not from the mid-west and corn is in season all year round...I want to hear from you too!!!)
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