Thursday, December 29, 2011

Skin Care Stuff I Live By

If you know me, you know I'm all (er, mostly...) about eating healthy foods and staying active.  Something that I DON'T pay a ton of attention to -- but should pay more to -- is skin care.  Even when I lived on Maui, I was much more concerned with being deeply tanned than keeping my skin healthy.

Now, skin is becoming my most important organ. It is usually the first to let me know when somethings wrong. It knows when I'm stressed. It protects. It sweats.

Gosh, I love my skin. I definitely need to take better care of it.

There are a few things that I have been using that I absolutely swear by in terms of my skin.  Following the numbers in the picture at the top of the post (and please excuse the strange green hue of the photo, my green bathroom walls make taking iPhone photos difficult):

  1. Udderly Smooth Body Cream: originally developed for dairy cows - so this stuffs gotta be good! Seriously though, I love it because it's not greasy but it still feels like you jumped in a vat of olive oil when you use it....minus the oil. It's an awesome all around moisturizer.
  2. Cetaphil Facial Cleanser: It took me a long time to find a good face wash, because my skin tends to be very sensitive but also prone to acne and very oily. This face wash doesn't leave my skin too dry (which will cause your pores to produce excess oil and make your face even oily-er) but it does make my face feel squeaky clean!
  3. Trader Joe's Honey Mango Shave Cream: Alright, I'm obsessed with this stuff. I refuse to shave without it. It's almost like shaving with lotion, but it leaves you feeling clean and lovely. Plus it smells so delicious, sometimes I with they'd make some kind of food out of it. 
  4. Dry Brushing Brush: There are lots of great reasons why you should dry brush, but the most compelling argument for me was that it keeps your skin plump, moist and healthy. For me, that means less discomfort during the dry winter months where I'm constantly slathering on lotion.
  5. Cetaphil Face Lotion with SPF 15: I guess I'm pretty brand loyal. I can't help it, Cetaphil makes good sh*t. I have to be really careful with lotion for my face because I get so oily, but during the winter, my face gets uncomfortably dry after I wash it. This lotion is not greasy, and it keeps my face from getting dry, itchy and uncomfortable. Love in a bottle.
What are your go to products when it comes to skin?
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